The Internationalization Policy of the State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB), approved by the Teaching, Research, and Outreach Council (Consepe) Resolution No. 041/2022, establishes a set of guidelines to strengthen the university’s role in the global arena. This policy aims not only to expand international cooperation but also to integrate cultural and linguistic diversity into academic daily life, promoting active and comprehensive internationalization.
According to the Resolution, the main objective of the policy is to “[…] establish strategies to promote the international mobility of its students, faculty, and staff, as well as to establish agreements and cooperation accords with foreign universities,” aiming to improve the quality of teaching, research, and institutional management (Consepe Resolution No. 041/2022).
Fundamental Principles
The internationalization policy of UESB is founded on ethical and political principles, such as “[…] solidarity, institutional responsibility in the face of the academic and social challenges of globalization, and the appreciation of sociocultural and linguistic diversity.” The university also views internationalization as a means to incorporate “[…] international, intercultural, innovative, and global components into academic and administrative actions,” in order to contribute to the holistic development of the academic community (Consepe Resolution No. 041/2022).
Internationalization actions, according to Resolution 041/2022, must be “[…] adopted transversally across teaching, research, outreach, and institutional management activities,” promoting the engagement of the entire university community. In this way, UESB seeks global integration that values cultural diversity while responding to the challenges and opportunities of higher education in the contemporary context.
International Cooperation and Reciprocity
The policy highlights two central priorities in the field of international cooperation: the pursuit of academic excellence and the principle of reciprocity. According to Resolution 041/2022, UESB is committed to “[…] developing collaboration with foreign institutions of recognized scientific and academic prestige, seeking excellence in joint actions in teaching, research, outreach, and institutional management.” Additionally, there is a particular emphasis on collaboration with “[…] institutions in developing countries where teaching, research, outreach, and institutional management activities require improvement, always aiming at mutual interest.”
This commitment reflects UESB’s intention to strengthen academic cooperation with institutions around the world while also contributing to the academic, technical-scientific, and cultural development of countries that share similar educational and social challenges, especially in Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa.
Academic Mobility Initiatives
Academic mobility is an essential part of UESB’s internationalization policy. The document states that the university will promote “academic mobility in foreign institutions” for undergraduate and graduate students, encouraging them to complete part of their studies at partner universities while welcoming foreign students to its campuses and graduate programs.
Additionally, the encouragement of co-supervision and dual degree programs is a highlighted strategy to promote international academic education. These initiatives allow students to complete part of their courses at foreign institutions, strengthening their global education and ensuring internationally recognized degrees.
Support Structures for Internationalization
The International Office (ARInt) is responsible for coordinating and implementing the Internationalization Policy. According to Article 11 of Resolution No. 041/2022, ARInt’s main functions are to “[…] promote international mobility for UESB’s faculty, staff, and undergraduate and graduate students,” “[…] foster academic, scientific, cultural, and technological cooperation with foreign institutions,” and “[…] manage and oversee International Memorandums of Understanding (MoU).”
In addition to ARInt, the Internationalization Committee also plays a central role, bringing together representatives from different departments and units of UESB to periodically discuss the university’s internationalization projects and programs. This collaborative structure ensures that the policy is implemented in an integrated and participatory manner.
Encouragement of Global Scientific Production
Another important aspect of the policy is the encouragement of scientific production in an international context. UESB encourages faculty and students to publish in international journals and to participate in collaborative research projects with foreign universities. Additionally, the policy includes provisions for offering international courses and conducting international missions to promote the sharing of knowledge and experiences.
The university also seeks to strengthen the presence of visiting foreign professors in its undergraduate and graduate courses, thereby promoting an academic exchange that enriches the education of students and expands the scope of research conducted at UESB.
Funding and Sustainability
To ensure the viability of internationalization actions, the document establishes that UESB will allocate “an annual budget for the execution of internationalization activities.” This includes financial support for programs and projects that involve international components, in addition to funding from external agencies or through its own programs.
Furthermore, UESB is committed to creating new programs and specific calls for proposals, aiming to consolidate internationalization in all its areas of operation and strengthen its presence in the global academic landscape.
The Internationalization Policy of UESB, as established in Consepe Resolution No. 041/2022, is a strategic step toward expanding the university’s presence in the international arena. By integrating actions of academic mobility, scientific cooperation, and the appreciation of cultural and linguistic diversity, UESB reinforces its commitment to inclusive and global education. For UESB, internationalization is not limited to a geographical issue; it is a tool to promote academic excellence, social justice, the democratization of knowledge, and collaboration among different cultures and nations.
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