yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled

Yoongi, while teaching you a lesson on how to love him and never leave him, had taught himself a lesson on how to successfully lose the one thing he loved. You turned around and asked him to please wait for a moment, but he went on about how you were slacking off. “I was wondering if I could see my family.”. “I, ugh… I was wondering…” you began, a bad feeling in your gut foreshadowing what you thought might happen, however the words flew out of your mouth out of your control. +. When Namjoon ended the torture session, he spat at the two sobbing shits and went to kiss you lovingly, only to find you dead on the floor, tears still fresh on your cheeks. (BTS Yandere Mafia AU) Warning : This has dark themes and explicit mentions of self harm and suicide, as well as rape. Anon asked - Hello can you do a bts yandere sugar daddy au?? You were in his lap, working on your own things. Blush crept to your cheeks and your palms turned cold. I interpreted this as Yandere bts mafia's s/o being in love with their rival but if that's not what you meant, message me and I'll try to adjust this piece! You weren’t the best baker, but you knew how much Jungkook loved cake, and this bakery, the one which he bought you all the cake you loved, didn’t take orders over the phone and deliver cake to the home. So, he dumped the girl into the bathtub after pulling you out and carried your ugly (not for him,) body to the bedroom, dressing you into the dress you wore to your wedding, dressed himself in the suit he wore to the same event, and laid down next to you in the bed, shooting himself in the head with a smile, you curled into his side. Not compared to your own situation at home, at least. The bruises and straps he left on you with his belt were brighter than ever. He was standing a little off to the side while his noona spoke to one of her female friends Jungkook hadn’t bothered to scare off, when that piece of shit walked over, confessing his crush to Jungkooks noona. Already has a cute little set up for you at his place decked out with clothes, makeup, jewelry and whatever else you like. HVN had just-. Call him oppa and he’ll drain his bank account for you (within reason). Namjoon had established a schedule with you, but he tended to forget it often, watching the camera feed from his phone and calling you, asking why you were applying make up, before you remined him you were going out to pick up your children with a sigh. . Please don’t read it if you get squeamish easily. “Where did you think you’d go? What if you died? I’m all she needs, and she doesn’t need any pesky imbeciles begging for her forgiveness, I’m the only one who is entitled to doing that if she’s angry at me for whatever reason. I’m just gonna help brighten up your ugliness, you’d look even worse with your eyeholes bleeding, heheh!”. You were clean! You were almost glued to his side 24/7. Mafia! You tried to rush past him and make a run for it, but his arms went around your stomach and pulled you back. Here you go baby:) Jin: When you initially told him that you were pregnant you were surprised by his reaction. You gasped as he fell to the ground, his lifeless eyes turning to the back of his head. “Noona is mine! Yandere! Pulling down the sleeves of your sweater you slowed down your pace, although it was dark already. The gang man grabbed your elbow and dragged you to him, pressing the nose of his gun against your cheek. You jumped, startled at the sudden interruption of your thoughts. A slick black car waited at its door but no one was there. BTS AU : Their reactions to you going out without telling them (OT7), Non Idol! He fed you, brushed your hair and teeth, cleaned your face and bathed your body, even if you couldn’t produce sweat. just a disclaimer. He pushed you off his lap, causing you to sprawl to the floor, his voice loud and booming," don't fucking give me a vague answer. "Love is a disaster for China MacLeish. I can’t write about them being psychotic, sorry. Jungkook was soft with the punishments, a couple of whippings and rape sessions, and then he carefully slit your wrists, patching them up neatly as soon as your heart stopped and then he dressed you in your prettiest, frilliest satin dress, sitting you across the table from him, plopping a few candles on the cake and lighting them. I can’t focus on both of these things - writing and living my real life - at the same time. It was cowardly, and you knew, but you couldn’t bear it. Your heart dropped to your stomach as you looked up, already seeing Jin in front of you. And Hoseok followed his promise. You were a contemporary dancer, but you made plenty of song covers and vlogs. Not only of themself but of everything around them as well. Jungkook x Older! “Wow, Y/N, is that you?” asked a familiar voice that made your head turn around. +. I will be leaving this blog up for anyone and everyone to enjoy, but I will log off it so I have no affiliations with it. You missed Jin too much. BTS AU: Their reaction to Idol! Sitting at the counter whilst Jin prepared dinner, you found yourself staring at him. he really wants to punish you sometimes with a spanking or something but since you’re just a crush and not his gf yet….he’ll have to wait. I did it under a hour, so it’s pretty shabby. “What’s it to you, you ugly troll? aka they kiss you for the first time. intense yandere, incredibly toxic and triggering, Stockholm Syndrome, abuse, profanity… the lot basically - read at your own risk!!!!! “It’s good. You’d live together forever, in a cozy home, he’d be your pretty little bunny boy and he’d do everything you ask him to, and you’d make him games, and it’d be perfect. You had left him, you didn’t love him. The plate of food in his hand began to shake like a leaf and your eyes caught it. 1 new notification : HVN just tweeted! Then he’d proceed to apologize, and he’d buy you and your children anything you’d want, only to repeat it again, so much that you’d inserted his accusing call in your daily schedule. But here it is!! Yandere - Who Is The Strictest. Y/N had been adopted by Mrs. and Mr. Jeon when her parents died in a car crash. Because of him! Make sure to read the FAQ before asking questions. He finds it adorable and tries to play to your brattiness in order to get you to be more than a crush, Call him at three am for some ice cream and he’s on it. It was already in his hands, the straw in his mouth as he turned around and wanted to walk away. School, work, your family and your friends, everything was weighing down on you like a ton of bricks. He pushed inside a white bowl of white rice and milk inside three times a day and a rice cracker once as a snack, with water five times a day. “Ah, you thought you’d be able to touch my girlfriend without consequences? Mafia!Yandere! You really thought you were doing something, huh? +. Soon, his bedroom looked like yours so you’d feel more comfortable moving in. Anonymous asked: hyung line reacting to their crush being spoiled and bratty. He was warning you, although, he didn’t really have to. You opened your wallet to take out the money but the man placed his own money on the counter. How dare he date you?! And now he would kill them for murdering the one thing he loved. The stranger who saved you knelt down before you, his angelic face finally coming to light. “She’s working hard,” said the iced americano man quietly without breaking eye contact with the student. “So, you say my kitten is dumb? “We’ll be together forever, no pesky people trying to woo you or me. Warnings: Stockholm Syndrome, yandere, toxic (relationship), touch starvation?, triggering, mentions of abuse etc. You had just jumped off the bus and hurried on home. Something about him gave off the energy of someone much older than him. There was no way of fixing it now or ever, there was just too much damage. A battle? Warning : This has dark themes and explicit mentions of self harm and suicide, as well as rape. Warnings: yandere, Stockholm Syndrome, abuse, toxic relationship, obsession, posessiveness, profanity etc. He couldn’t wait to have you for him only. His ink-black eyes pinpointed at you, squeezing the breath from your lungs. The office? A/N: I strongly recommend reading this first (Mafia! KITTEN. Only then he realised the torture he had put you through, and regretted it more than anything, ending the day with a bullet through his brain. As soon as something is finished, it immediately gets transported here. And Jin was so kind, to add an extra ingredient, that’ll get that pesky lump of mold away from his queen. Word count - like four hundred or something idk i just wanted to put out content. Little did you know he meant exactly what he said. Jin sat on the sofa, trying to work but his gaze kept drifting off to you. He cared for you as if you were alive, because he was far too crazy to realise he, the one who loved you the most, might’ve killed you. And Taehyung fell in love with you. “Um, sorry, but you… you took my drink,” you found yourself nearly stuttering as he stared into your eyes. If they are not, I will specifically have a note :) OT7: BTS !Yandere! Your cheeks were stung with tears as he made you look up at him, but you still kept your eyes on the ground. BTS! Not only your looks, while following you around he saw your interactions, and he adored how soft and kind you were, but he couldn’t help but want it all for himself. He knew he should’ve tied you up inside! He’d befriend you, meet you and steal you away. Warning: yandere, toxic relationship, trigger warning, abuse, domestic abuse, violence, explicit content etc.. Jin. “I’m… I’m s-sorry,” you stuttered quickly, “It was… It was a-an accident…” Jin took a step towards you, making you scoot backwards. I saw you smile at that fucking cashier! “I’ll see you soon,” he spoke darkly and took his drink, leaving you a obscene tip. Obviously, he was livid someone would even think about claiming you when you were his, although he hadn’t made you his, but that’s unimportant, you were Jimins and that was law. Intense but… but beautiful,” you said and placed the book back. Warnings: yandere, toxic, triggering, Stockholm Syndrome, mention of abuse, profanity, mention of period, blood…. It might be bad, I haven't written in a while. You were in nothing but your socks and slipped on the polished wooden floor, hitting the vase accidentally. Thank you, everyone, and I hope you luck on your future endeavours :), Shortshot (not really anything at this point, no official title), Yandere! In fact, you wouldn’t have ever gotten outside, he had gang members guarding every exit at all times to make sure there were no intrusions and you never needed to go out. Sex, Dating, and Relationships adds a new, almost provocative voice to the conversation that, with straightforward theological insight, pleads with Christians to get serious about honoring Christ with their sexuality. “Clean your room and I’ll get you that purse you wanted.”, “If you get that A in that class then I’ll buy you that dress.”, Most likely too blinded by his love for you to consider you a brat, He prob just considers you very babyish and cutesy when you want something, He lives to serve every little demand you utter, His bank is like….”wtf? High School! I brought revenge to the two brats who killed you. High School! His biggest inspiration in life had been his hyungs. “Can I have a birthday kiss?” He smiled teasingly. “Princess, are you alright?” he asked quickly, trying to caress your cheek but you backed off even further, this time hitting the nightstand. I won’t be writing Yandere stuff anymore, and I won’t be writing on this blog anymore either. !” Hoseok screamed. He can control many themes such as ancient romance, urban romance and fantasy novels. Jin Yuan Bao's works are rich and his representative works are The First Corpse Wife and The Legendary Lady. Hobi was your sweetheart best friend. I don't care," you said, your voice steady despite the impact. -JimJamP95, Y/N/N - I hope he doesn’t disappear like the others tho, Jimin chuckled. His heart beat faster at the sight of you so calm and focused. Suddenly, the delicate ceramics broke off and it all came crashing to the floor. The rich have to marry someone...why not you? Now the world's one and only "Marry Rich consultant reveals her secrets in a detailed, step-by-step plan for meeting and marrying money. It's unique, it's outrageous...and it works! And if you want, I could take a day off tomorrow for you.". “Shh, it’s okay, it’s okay,” he repeated over and over again, his thumb caressing your chin but you couldn’t stop shaking from fear. If it’s an imagine, can I do all of them in one plot, as in they’re all your sugar daddies but they’ve decided to share you? He truly did, and he did it in a way that made the last punishment look like playful banter. Taehyung walked into the room, noticing your dead body. Has another channel for reaction videos of videos concerning you. Still, no matter how much you tried, his touch made you afraid. There were other men accompanying him but they all looked away and waited for him. For millennia, men and dragons have warred. Non-Idol! BTS AU - Their reaction to Idol! But once you regained consciousness, you realized it couldn’t have been anyone you trusted that was touching you because you did not trust anyone. “What’s your name, kitten?” asked the man, gently tucking a stray lock of hair behind your ear. Second, I have a lot of other things to do - editing stories, writing plays for my school, learning speeches to organize events. Yoongi would move out to his own, very expensive apartment, and you’d live there, making songs from home but never exiting, and he’d come back home after work and would kiss you softly, and then kiss your belly which would carry his offspring. You had grown to be interested in them as well, and honestly, which broke college student would say no to one, or several, sugar daddies, so you just begged them to get along and share, which they weren’t used to but were ready to try to have you at least partly as theirs. You played with your fingers as your heartbeat slowly quickened and your cheeks reddened. 2.2. BTS! The sweet bunny boy was boiling in anger. This was a request by @btslover911 , I would have posted your ask too, but I don’t understand tumblr and I accidentally deleted your ask. You spoke of your day and he mentioned a thing or two from his, remaining very secretive as always. You didn’t even react to me entering the room~ well, I think that’s enough, you’re ready to be pampered in our bedroom again ~”, So Taehyung brought you to their bedroom, fucking your dead, cut body happily. (Sensitive Topics) (as of now I will usually to up to four members max) Originally posted by softjeon Jimin felt his adoration for his hyungs slowly lessen and lessen and the love for you grow and grow till he found himself missing every meet up just to watch your videos and lives. Yandere! Yoongi had been your secret admirer for years now. So, naturally, when some pesky boy walked up to you and dared to ask you, a taken woman, out, he made sure to accidentally bump into the boy, act like he was injured so you’d worry over him, and then, when he had made actaul friends with you, he’d kidnap you as his and he’d sneak out and murder the boy. And only him. This psycho bunny would kill his sweet noona, and she’d be his pretty dolly, never escaping. oof, yoongi is an enigma so i’ll try my best to explain. The affection his noona returned made him believe that she loved him back just as much. hi! Yandere! Yandere! You whimpered when your bottom hit the hard wooden floor. (this was kinda bad but I hope I get better at reactions soon. He- he did everything for you, he did everything you asked him to do, but you dared to date someone?! “Hehe, you’re so ugly! aka they kiss you for the first time. When Seokjin returned to you, fuming at the disruption to his work, he broke down in sobs seeing you with a knife lodged deep in your abdomen. You belonged to him from that very same moment. Yoongi never showed up in public ever again, slowly dying of malnourishment and dehydration with you in his arms. He turned away for a moment, then he unbuttoned his suit jacket and pulled something from his inner pocket. It's the summer of 1955. He glared at the student with such ferocity that made even your own skin crawl with goosebumps. Reaction to seeing you in a towel —INFATUATION — — Yandere!Bts reaction to you rolling your eyes. Blood soaked your lips as your head spun like mad. Someone was following you. Please, let go of me!” you cried, tears streaming down your cheeks as you screamed for help. You had just jumped off the bus and hurried on home. Synopsis: He grabbed you by the hair, tossing you to bed. He looked down at you with a look of disgust on his face. But the longer you stared at him, the more your stomach twisted into knots. BTS AU - Their reaction to you hanging out with a rival group. His hand reached for your face but you winced away, not sure what he was going to do. Your heart was beating harshly as you finally made it to the park. You've seen Jimin being mad before, you've seen a lot of people being mad before and you yourself have been mad before, it was just another form of emotions, but there was no doubt when Jimin was angry, boy was he angry. You looked up at him, flinching slightly at his sudden presence. Within seconds you were out the door, breathing freely again. I decided to put these two into one since it fit perfectly, hope it's okay! You had your own bed and although you did not understand why you were here at all, it did not matter as much as you feeling safe for the first time in your life. Jungkook hated this. Touch my baby girl and not get punished?! Jin was parading around the kitchen, busy making breakfast, yet when he heard your words, he stopped on his tracks immediately. If I ever see you, scumbag, come near my sweet noona ever again, I will pay you a secret visit, and only I will leave!”. “I thought you learned your lesson, darling. So, see my masterlist to find previous fics related to this :). He became a lion at the idea you had left him, not even considering other possibilities. You looked down at your hands as Jin was facing away from you, focused on the dish he was preparing. After a while thats when you told him about the boy who called you a . He saw your discomfort but could not help but chew on the fact that you smiled at C/N. Anything he could use to his advantage, he would. Not because of you though never, but because of the people who made you think of yourself like that. The lion had turned back into a bunny, until the day where you decided to go get cake from the bakery at the mall. You’re mine, not anyone elses. Yandere: How They Punish You, Part Two: Mafia! . Warnings: possibly very triggering, violence, profanity, (implied) sexual abuse, (kind of) yandere…. "Yes?” Y/N slipped out of Namjoons hands, smiling kindly at the boy at the door, before the smile was wiped off her lips. But what really caught his attention was your smile when a co-worker told you something funny about a guest. BTS Reaction to You Being a Villain in a Drama/Movie. AU - Their reaction to you getting bullied. He worried so much, he would send guards to follow you and carry your things, telling you over text that you weren’t allowed to carry weights. Found insideThe Billionaire’s Secret Love is a standalone romance with a happy ending. It’s the second book in the Scandals of the Bad Boy Billionaire’s series, and reveals more about the notorious men of the Winters family. You felt uncomfortable as if someone was watching you, but you did not have the time to give it a second thought. High School! A small proof of the anger and desperation that had been accumulating within you the entire day. “I’ve read it twice before.”. Warning: yandere, toxic relationship, trigger warning, abuse, domestic abuse, violence, explicit content etc. You shook your head and returned to your book, pulling your legs closer to you. You had to look up because the young man was much taller than you. “What’s your name, sweetheart?” the man asked you. BTS! You had no idea what made you freeze in place but you did. (BTS Yandere Mafia AU). He never really dug into the idols he took photos of, he just found out their schedules and followed them around. Were never going to do now, ” he smiled teasingly, don ’ t cry now… he s. Up with some of them the culprit of the couch in his at! Ochner, these are the others? ” asked M/N when he pulled your legs so you ll! The couch in his yandere bts reaction to you being spoiled began to tremble out of you cook, knife! Fit perfectly, hope it & # x27 ; m not that used to writing this stuff lol bath! 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