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Itapetinga Campus, 18 de julho de 2024

UESB Governo do Estado da Bahia

Pop Science

Making science pop is also PPGECAL’s mission! With this in mind, we constantly develop actions to bring the technical-scientific knowledge of Food Engineering, Science and Technology closer to the population, contributing to better education and awareness of the community in general.

Check here the main news about PPGECAL in the communication vehicles.

Get to know some of the actions developed by our team:


Participation in the UESB Food Engineering exhibition at the 50th Agricultural Exhibition of Itapetinga


Science Fair – Exchange of Knowledge in Science and Engineering – INTERCIENG2021

Microbiology in Practice – Hygiene, desirable microorganisms, deteriorating and causing diseases – Teaching students of the 4th year of elementary school.

Science Webinars Cycle at LEP 2021 – scientific knowledge within everyone’s reach.

Promotion of Food and Nutrition Education in the School Environment – The healthy cupcake with 2nd and 3rd year high school students.

II SIMPECAL-Postgraduate Symposium in Engineering and Food Science at UESB – Lectures, courses, works and much more.


I National Symposium on Innovations in Food Engineering and Science – INECA2020 – Lectures, papers and lots of content.

Science Webinars Cycle at LEP 2020 – scientific knowledge within everyone’s reach.

Strategies for valuing food culture in quilombola school menus in the context of ethnic-racial relations.


II Workshop on Engineering and Food Science at the 49th Agricultural Exhibition of Itapetinga – Lectures and course.

Minicourse: Reuse of Food Waste – III Science Fair of IF Baiano-Itapetinga.

Engenhation Project – Knowing the UESB and Gum Candy Workshop for Children.

We have Food Engineering! Do you know what is Food Engineering?


I Workshop on Engineering and Food Science at the 48th Agricultural Exhibition of Itapetinga – Lectures and courses.

I Workshop on Scientific Writing at UESB.

4th Week of Food Engineering / I Postgraduate Symposium in Food Engineering and Science


3rd Week of Food Engineering

EngenhaAção Project



Contact us


Campus Universitário Juvino Oliveira

Rodovia BR 415, km 03, s/n

Itapetinga, Bahia, 45700-000

  (77) 3261 – 8629



Ppg-ecal Uesb