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Itapetinga Campus, 15 de março de 2025

UESB Governo do Estado da Bahia

Program Requirements

Students of the Master’s degree must fulfill at least 24 credits throughout the course, write and defend a Master’s dissertation and prove proficiency in English.

Students of the PhD course must fulfill at least 36 credits throughout the course, write and defend a PhD thesis and prove proficiency in English and Spanish.

All students must present two mandatories Seminars, complete the Required Teaching Internship and to be approved at a Qualifying Exam. They must also prove the technical and scientific production of quality and participation in relevant events in the area. Attendance to scheduled activities is mandatory, being considered failed in the subjects the student who does not obtain 75% of attendance.

For students in the Food Engineering Concentration Area, the Advanced Thermodynamic component is mandatory, while in the Food Science Concentration Area the Food Chemistry and Biochemistry I component is required.



Contact us


Campus Universitário Juvino Oliveira

Rodovia BR 415, km 03, s/n

Itapetinga, Bahia, 45700-000

  (77) 3261 – 8629



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