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Campus of Jequié, 15 de março de 2025

UESB Governo do Estado da Bahia

Reserch Lines


This line of research aims to study the appropriation by the health field of theories and concepts from the education field: the theoretical-methodological conceptions that underpin projects and political-pedagogical practices of education, health; the trend of health education; the training of workers by health institutions; relationship between State, education and society; changes in education and health policies. Faculty: Dr. Alba Benemérita Alves Vilela, Dr. Ana Cristina Duarte, Dr. André Souza dos Santos, Dr. Flavia Pedro dos Anjos Santos, Dr. Isleide Santana Cardoso Santos, Dr. Maria Luzia Landim, Dr. Nilton Cesar Nogueira dos Santos, Dr. Maria Madalena Souza dos Santos, Dr. Rita Narriman Silva de Oliveira Boery, Dr. Sérgio Donha Yarid and Dr. Washington da Silva Santos.


This line of research aims to investigate the human living process of the family throughout the life cycle, understand the interrelationships of daily family life before the health-disease process in conditions of chronicity; apply family evaluation instruments that contribute to the understanding of the family relationship dynamics; assess the practices of health professionals in the programs implemented by the Ministry of Health; develop and test experiences of caring technology for the family at home; develop assistance, management, and educational proposals with the family/health service/community; produce knowledge about acting/caring for the family as a systemic unit; contribute to improving the quality of care for the family in its individual, collective/social subsystems in their networks of relationships; develop care strategies for the family considering complexity, contextuality, interdisciplinarity as an epistemological presupposition for action in health. Faculty: Dr. Edite Lago da Silva, Dr. Maria Patrícia Milagres, Dr. Patrícia Anjos Lima de Carvalho, Dr. Rita Narriman Silva de Oliveira Boery, Dr. Roseanne Montargil Rocha and Dr. Vivian Mara Ribeiro.


This line of research aims to apply knowledge and skills from different areas of knowledge in planning and trends in health service management at all levels of care; analysis of policies, systems, programs and health services; analysis of trajectories and development of health policies; development of care models; analysis of information systems; legal concept of health and its implications in the definition and implementation of public policies; guarantee of the right to health; discourse of social actors; population participation in decision-making; the legislative process. Faculty: Dr. Adriana Alves Nery, Dr. Alba Benemérita Alves Vilela, Dr. Aline Vieira Simões. Dr. Charles Souza Santos, Dr. Edite Lago da Silva, Dr. Ismar Eduardo Martins Filho, Dr. Juliana Costa Machado, Dr. Roseanne Montargil Rocha, Dr. Márcio Pereira Lôbo and Dr. Vanda Palmarella Rodrigues.


This line of research aims to develop studies and research on health surveillance of population groups; assess social, political and technological practices to the health-disease process; identify and evaluate factors of vulnerability to health and social, cultural and environmental; assess public policies and attention and social control models; develop attention models and technologies that promote an interdisciplinary approach in health; contribute to improving the lives of people. Faculty: Dr. Adriana Alves Nery, Dr. Cezar Augusto Casotti, Dr. Fabio Ornellas Prado, Dr. Jefferson Paixão Cardoso, Dr. José Ailton Oliveira Carneiro, Dr. Gisele da Silveira Lemos, Dr. Juliana da Silva Oliveira, Dr. Luciano Nery Ferreira, Dr. Marcos Henrique Fernandes, Dr. Rafael Pereira de Paula and Dr. Washington da Silva Santos.




Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia – UESB
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Enfermagem e Saúde (PPGES)
Pavilhão Josélia Navarro de Brito
Avenida José Moreira Sobrinho, s/n
CEP: 45.208-091
Jequié – BA

E-mail: ppgesjq@uesb.edu.br
Fone-Fax: (73) 3528-9738/ 3528-9675

Atendimento: de Segunda a Sexta-feira, das 8 às 12 horas e das 13:30 às 17:30 horas.