Campus de Vitória da Conquista, 15 de fevereiro de 2025
The Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Memory: Language and Society (PPGMLS) started by offering the Master’s degree, in March 2008, and the Doctoral degree, in March 2012, in the Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), campus of Vitória da Conquista.
The structuring and performance of the Program are anchored in the meetings and dialogues, initiated in 2005, between professors-researchers from different areas of knowledge, linked mainly to the Pedagogical Museum (UESB) and the Research Group on Linguistic Studies (UESB), who works on education, research and outreach projects, under a multi and interdisciplinary perspectives. Those academics built a common intellectual and institutional platform with the purpose of making effective the discussion about the treatment of memory, in its multifaceted nature.
With just over 10 (ten) years of existence, the PPGMLS allow the production, until 2018, of 151 dissertations and 47 theses defended, all resulting from researches related to thematic projects that support the research lines of the Program and available to public access in this site.
The PPGMLS invests in qualified academic research through the training of students and the improvement of teaching staff, which occurs in different work fronts, such as: 1) Investment in doctoral exchange program with universities abroad; 2) Collaboration with professors and researchers from others institutions through postdoctoral internships; 3) Investment in the training of professors belonging to UESB’s own staff, through internal edicts; 4) Training of professors from others institutions, through the annual invitation to enter the Master’s and Doctorate courses, as well as through the establishment of partnerships (MINTER, DINTER) with others educational and research institutions; 5) Investment in internationalization.
In the 2013-2016 quadrennium, the rate of the PPGMLS is 5 (five), awarded by the technical and scientific committee of the Brazilian federal agency for post-graduate education (CAPES) to the courses of national excellence.
(77) 3425-9395
Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia
Estrada do Bem Querer - km 04
Bairro Universitário
CEP.: 45031-900
Vitória da Conquista, Bahia