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Itapetinga Campus, 15 de março de 2025

UESB Governo do Estado da Bahia

Concentration Areas

PPGECAL / UESB has two Concentration Areas, to better develop its training and research activities and developed work.


More than studying transport phenomena, unitary operations and differential and integral equations, our proposal is to apply the broader engineering concept associated with the food area. We want to study and apply technical, economic, scientific, social and practical knowledge in order to achieve a certain objective in order to benefit society. In this area, we seek to develop, optimize and adapt processes and techniques related to the food area, evaluate processes based on environmental impacts and sustainability, as well as the use of techniques for the characterization of materials associated with food.


In this area, we want to deepen the knowledge related to the interaction between food components and the effects of processing variables on them, aiming to provide a greater basis in the proposition of technological products or changes in already applied technologies. In this area, animal and vegetable raw materials, alternative sources, residues, co-products and by-products are evaluated in order to obtain new products, reuse or reduce / eliminate the waste generated in the existing manufacturing processes.



Contact us


Campus Universitário Juvino Oliveira

Rodovia BR 415, km 03, s/n

Itapetinga, Bahia, 45700-000

  (77) 3261 – 8629



Ppg-ecal Uesb