CNPq/TWAS CALL Nº 45/2024
2024.10.07 Chamada P¿blica MCTICNPqTWAS N.¿ 045_compressed
CNPq Call for Applications – PhD Scholarship.
Applications until 31-01-2025
1.1 – Grant scholarships (also called “Fellowships” in this Call document) to researchers from developing countrios (except Brazil), in the areas described below, to undertake a Full Doctorate in Brazil.
1.2 – IMPORTANT: Brazilian researchers and students (including those with dual nationality are not eligible for this call but may apply for fellowships from all other TWAS fellowship programs. For additional information in this regard, including eligibility criteria and application procedures, please visit: htto://
1.3 – The objectives and guidelines of this Call are:
a) collaborate with developing countries in training human resources for research;
b) promote scientific and technological development in selected areas:
c) promote the internationalization of Brazilian research centers and universities;
d) foster cooperation between foreign researchers and the establishment of research networks; and
e) promote educational, popularization and scientific dissemination actions for different types of audiences, reaching broad sectors of society, in conjunction with specialists, groups and institutions that work in the areas of formal and non-formal education (for example: schools, extension centers, museums, science centers, zoos, botanical gardens, aquariums. visitor centers of conservation units and non-governmental organizations).