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Campus of Jequié, 26 de setembro de 2024

UESB Governo do Estado da Bahia

CNPq productivity fellows

National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) Productivity Research Fellows

  • Valfredo Azevedo Lemos (Level 1B)
  • Marcos de Almeida Bezerra (Level 2)
  • Erik Galvão Paranhos da Silva (Level 2)

The Program coordination makes an annual survey of the professors’ production and noted that, since 2019, there are four more professors who have the profile to be a productivity grant holder, as they are adapted to all the criteria necessary to apply for the productivity grant. The professors sent the proposals to the CNPq Call, however, they haven’t been approved yet.



Quick Contact

Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB)

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química (PGQUI)

Av. José Moreira Sobrinho, s/n, Jequiezinho, Jequié-Bahia, CEP: 45.208-091

Fone: (73) 3528-9630

E-mail: ppgquimica@uesb.edu.br

Homepage: http://www2.uesb.br/ppg/ppgquimica/


Atendimento: Segunda a Sexta-Feira, das 08:00 às 12:00 e das 14:00 às 18:00.