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Campus of Jequié, 26 de setembro de 2024

UESB Governo do Estado da Bahia


Internationalization is desired by PGQUI and efforts are being made to engage in this movement. In 2014, an International Exchange Office was created at UESB with the aim of promoting the preparation, articulation and monitoring of agreements and technical, scientific and cultural cooperation projects, with foreign and Brazilian institutions, together with the UESB’s International Relations Office. With this, our Program intends to be more present in discussions regarding the exchange policy, selection of foreign students, as well as the reception of international students and researchers.

Some cooperation exists between professors of the Program and researchers from foreign institutions, such as:

i) Cooperation with Prof. Marcos Avila, Universidad del Tolima, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Department of Clinical Sciences, Ibagué-Colombia.

ii) Cooperation with Prof. Hugo J. Bohórquez, Researcher at the Biomathematics Group, Fundación Instituto de Inmunología de Colombia.

iii) Cooperation with Prof. Francisco Capani, Instituto de Investigaciones Cardiológicas “Prof. Dr. Alberto C. Taquini” (ININCA), University of Buenos Aires-CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

iv) Cooperation with Prof. Ke Dong, Michigan State University, USA.

v) Cooperation with Prof. Guy Smagghe, University of Ghent (Belgium).

vi) Cooperation with Prof. Debmalya Bahr, Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology (IIOAB), WB, India.

vii) Cooperation with Prof. Preetam Ghosh, Virginia Commonwealth University, USA.

viii) Cooperation with Prof. John Irwin, University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), USA.

ix) Cooperation with Prof. Guglielmina Froldi, Department of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, University of Padova, Italy.

x) Cooperation with Prof. Sergio Marchertti, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, La Plata, Argentina.

xi) Cooperation with Prof. Amparo Cortez, University of Barcelona, ​​Spain.

xii) Cooperation with Prof. Victor Cerdá Martin (Universidad de las Islas Baleares), Spain.

One of the actions considered as internationalization by our Program is the representative number of publications of review articles in highly qualified journals, which are highly cited and increase the international visibility of the authors. Considering the four years of the 2017-2020 quadrennium, 17 review articles were published. Some of the review articles cited were published with the collaboration of researchers from foreign institutions.

In addition to review articles, most of the research articles published, around 85%, have also been in English-language journals and this visibility provided by international journals has been important for the projection of research carried out in PGQUI or in collaboration.

In this same context, we can consider the recognition attributed to Prof. Marcos de Almeida Bezerra as an international distinction. A study published in the journal Plos Biology, in 2020, highlighted this professor among the 2% most influential in the world in 2019. (https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.3000918).

In addition to lectures and seminars, several professors and students of the Program have publicized their work in events held in other countries, such as: Congreso Uruguayo de Química Analítica; Argentine Congress of Analytical Chemistry; Rio Symposium on Atomic Spectrometry; Biennial Conference IHPST; International Conference on the AB3C, International Society for Computational Biology, National Journeys and International Journeys of Teaching in University, Higher, Secondary and Technical Chemistry; National Meeting of Articulation between Universities and Educational Systems; III Latin American International Conference, History and Philosophy of Science Teaching Group IHPST-LA, World Chemistry Congress.



Quick Contact

Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB)

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química (PGQUI)

Av. José Moreira Sobrinho, s/n, Jequiezinho, Jequié-Bahia, CEP: 45.208-091

Fone: (73) 3528-9630

E-mail: ppgquimica@uesb.edu.br

Homepage: http://www2.uesb.br/ppg/ppgquimica/


Atendimento: Segunda a Sexta-Feira, das 08:00 às 12:00 e das 14:00 às 18:00.