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Campus of Jequié, 26 de setembro de 2024

UESB Governo do Estado da Bahia


Articles published with the participation of students or graduates in 2017:

The publication of articles with student/egress participation in journals with Qualis A and B was 12 articles, distributed as follows: 02 (A1), 04 (B1), 04 (B2), and 02 (B3). Of these, two publications were review articles: 01 (A1) and 01 (B3). The sum of the Impact Factor (IF) was 26.944 (JCR 2016) and the IF mean = 2.449. There was the participation of 06 different professors and 10 different students in these articles.

Articles published with the participation of students or graduates in 2018:

The publication of articles with student/egress participation in journals with Qualis A and B was 14 articles, distributed as follows: 03 (A1), 02 (A2); 02 (B1), 02 (B2) and 05 (B3). Of these, three publications were used as review articles: 01 (A1), 01 (B1) and 01 (B3). The sum of the Impact Factor (IF) was 33.631 (JCR 2016) and the average of the IF = 2.587. There was the participation of 07 different professors and 13 different students in these articles.

Articles published with the participation of students or graduates in 2019:

There were 16 articles published with student/egress participation in journals with Qualis A and B, distributed as follows: 06 (A1), 05 (A2); 01 (B1), 01 (B2) and 02 (B3) and 01 (B5). Of these, three publications were review articles, all in stratum A1. The sum of the Impact Factor (IF) was 49,688 (JCR 2018) and the mean of the IF = 3.5. There was the participation of 07 different professors and 11 different students in these articles.

Articles published by professors with the participation of students or graduates in 2020:

The publication of articles with student/egress participation in journals with Qualis A and B was 26 articles, distributed as follows: 09 articles with IF above 3.5; 06 articles with IF between 2.0 and 3.5; 09 articles with IF between 1.0 and 2.0. The sum of the Impact Factor (IF) was 68,362 (JCR 2019) and the mean of the IF = 2,848. The articles present the following information in relation to the percentile: 08 articles with a percentile greater than 75; 07 articles with a percentile between 50 and 75; 09 articles with a percentile between 25 and 50; 02 articles still do not have a percentile or IF. Of these, three publications were in the form of a review article. There was the participation of 09 different professors and 17 different students in these articles.

The journals that were published by professors with student/egress participation in the 2017-2020 quadrennium were: Accreditation and Quality Assurance (01); Analytical Methods (04); Applied Spectroscopy Reviews (02); BioEnergy Research (01); Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (01); Chemical Engineering Communications (02); Clean Soil Air Water (01); Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (01); Food Analytical Methods (04); Food Chemistry (04); Frontiers in Chemistry (01); Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology (01); Fuel (01); Industrial Crops and Products (01); Journal of AOAC International (01); Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society (07); Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society (02); Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology (01); Meat Science (01); Microchemical Journal (11); New Chemistry (01); New Chemistry at School (01); Revista Mexicana de Ingenieria Quimica (02); Virtual Journal of Chemistry (03); Science of the Total Environment (01); Scientia Plena (01); Small Ruminant Research (01); Talanta (03); The Journal of Essential Oil Research (01); Trac-Trends in Analytical Chemistry (02); Water, Air, & Soil Pollution (03).

It is important to highlight that there were numerous publications in 2020 with student/egress participation, however, for reasons of the publisher, the articles came out with the year of publication as 2021, even being available in the year 2020. Even not counting in the 2017- quadrennial 2020, the Program considers that the commitment of professors and students to publications is worthy of note and collaborates with the Program’s planning actions for the next quadrennial 2021-2024. In this context, in April 2021, the publication of 20 articles was recorded, 14 with student/egress participation in journals with Qualis A and B, distributed as follows: 05 articles with IF above 5.0; 07 articles with IF between 2.0 and 5.0; 06 articles with IF between 1.0 and 2.0; 02 article with IF between 0.5 and 1.0. The articles present the following information in relation to the percentile: 05 articles with a percentile greater than 75; 07 articles with a percentile between 50 and 75; 05 articles with a percentile between 25 and 50; 01 article with a percentile between 10 and 25. There was the participation of 07 different professors and 11 different students/graduates in these articles.

Publications through books and book chapters have also been widely used in the Program. Several studies developed by students have been published in these formats and have achieved good projection in the scientific community. Publications in the form of patent deposits have also been the target for the dissemination of our studies and the interest of research groups with an emphasis on innovation and products has been growing.



Quick Contact

Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB)

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química (PGQUI)

Av. José Moreira Sobrinho, s/n, Jequiezinho, Jequié-Bahia, CEP: 45.208-091

Fone: (73) 3528-9630

E-mail: ppgquimica@uesb.edu.br

Homepage: http://www2.uesb.br/ppg/ppgquimica/


Atendimento: Segunda a Sexta-Feira, das 08:00 às 12:00 e das 14:00 às 18:00.