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Campus of Jequié, 26 de setembro de 2024

UESB Governo do Estado da Bahia


The PGQUI currently has:

1) A 30-m2 room divided into 2 compartments. In one, coordination is established for the work and development of Postgraduate activities and for Collegiate meetings. In the other, is the Program Academic department, in which the general public is attended and department activities are carried out;

2) An auditorium (Seminar 2 – CAP) with a capacity for 80 seats, where classes, lectures, conferences, courses, extended meetings and dissertation defenses are given. Other rooms and auditoriums are used to teach disciplines or courses and are provided by the host institution (UESB);

3) A professors’ lounge, with an area of 40 m2, set on the Jequié campus, connected to the internet and equipped with furniture, enough to serve 10 professors.

The laboratories linked to the PGQUI are distributed at UESB (Jequié and Itapetinga campi) and in laboratories of other institutions linked to external professors.

UESB – Jequié Campus

Campus I

Analytical Chemistry I Laboratory

Sample Preparation Laboratory

Laboratory of Natural Products

Essential Oils Laboratory

Chromatography Laboratory

Liquid Chromatography Laboratory

Pharmacotechnical Laboratory – Laboratory used by Prof. Dr. Baraquizio

Computational Physics Laboratory

Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Computational Chemistry

Laboratory of the Study and Research Group in Teaching Chemistry and Society (GEPEQS)

Campus II – Professor Wilson Rocha

The Environmental Research Center (CPCA) was opened on May 10, 2018, on Campus II, with eight laboratories, acquired with FINEP resources. The facilities are undergoing electrical adjustments to go into activity in the second half of 2020.

UESB – Itapetinga Campus

Chemistry Research Center (CEPEQ), acquired with FINEP resources.

Kinetics and Catalysis Research Laboratory – Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Alexilda

Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Biotechnology – Coordinators: Prof. Dr. Silmara Almeida de Carvalho and Prof. Dr. Danilo Junqueira Leão

Santa Cruz State University (UESC), Ilhéus, Bahia

Applied Chemistry Research Laboratory – Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Erik Galvão Paranhos da Silva

FIOCRUZ/Belo Horizonte-MG – René Rachou Research Center

Laboratory of Natural Products – Laboratory used by Dr. Betânia Barros Cota

UniFG – Guanambi (Laboratories used by Prof. Dr. Eldevan dos Santos Silva)

Bioterium (Bioteczebra)

Neurobehavioral laboratory

Anísio Teixeira CampusFederal University of Bahia, Vitória da Conquista, Bahia

Laboratory of Natural Products Chemistry – Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Bruno Oliveira Moreira

Computer Resources

All of the Program laboratories and professors’ lounges on both campuses, including circulation areas, have Internet access via cable or wireless. The service is shared free of charge with the administration/graduation of UESB.

The Program has a room equipped with computers on the Jequié campus, which exclusively serves students linked to the Master Program in Chemistry. These computers allow access to the portal of CAPES and Scielo journals, as well as the use of specific chemical and statistical calculation softwares.

The Jequié campus has 60 computers connected to the internet, distributed in three multi-user rooms, used by graduate and postgraduate students.

The program also shares with the university the VPN (Virtual Private Network) system with remote access to the CAPES Portal for users (professors and students) of the Program who connect externally to the university environment. The video conference system installed at UESB is also used. The PGQUI has already used this resource to make several dissertation defenses and intends to present the projects of candidates to the Program from other countries, besides lectures, seminars and disciplines, especially when there is collaboration of professionals from distant institutions, aiming to optimize resources related to logistics.


The UESB has a multicampi network of libraries managed by the Pergamum system. The system allows its students to have access to the titles in any unit of the network, regardless of the campus to which they belong. The system allows the student to consult and renew the material of interest online.



Quick Contact

Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB)

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química (PGQUI)

Av. José Moreira Sobrinho, s/n, Jequiezinho, Jequié-Bahia, CEP: 45.208-091

Fone: (73) 3528-9630

E-mail: ppgquimica@uesb.edu.br

Homepage: http://www2.uesb.br/ppg/ppgquimica/


Atendimento: Segunda a Sexta-Feira, das 08:00 às 12:00 e das 14:00 às 18:00.