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Campus de Vitória da Conquista, 30 de junho de 2024

UESB Governo do Estado da Bahia

Student of PPGEO-UESB, and National Highlight

Publicado em 25 de April de 2021

A Student Ivana Lima e Silva is national highlight

Ivana Lima e Silva is also a teacher at the State Education Network, and  she was awarded at the 10th edition of the Brazilian Health Olympiad and the environment together with her students from the Escola Estadual Polivalente (Pradoso Annex)

Or title of the awarded project: A Geografia na Fotografia e na Poesia

A Brazilian Olympiad of Health and Environment (Obsma) is a biennial educational project promoted by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) to stimulate or develop interdisciplinary activities in public and private schools throughout the country. Among the main objectives is or recognition of the work carried out by teachers and students in schools and in cooperation with the dissemination of government actions raised in education, health and the environment.



Quick Contact

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia

Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia – Campus Vitória da Conquista
Estrada do Bem Querer Km, 04
Vitória da Conquista – BA
CEP: 45083 – 900
Tel: (77) 3424-8741

E-mail: ppgeo@uesb.edu.br

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