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Campus de Vitória da Conquista, 30 de junho de 2024

UESB Governo do Estado da Bahia


International participation takes place through publications in specialized magazines, through participation in events in different countries in Europe and Latin America. For the insertion of researchers in research and cooperation groups with the University of Coimbra in the Risk Study Group, (publication of a book) and in the research group Society and Nature and for the participation of teachers in the Portuguese Geography Association, for the participation of teachers from the University of Santa Barbara in publications in Revista Geopauta, for the participation of professors in research in Cape Verde and other participations.

In partnership with the University of Cape Verde in Africa and the University of Maputo- Mozambique-Africa

A series of activities were carried out through the channel of the Center for Territorial Extension and Development (Nedet), linked to the Graduate Program in Geography (PPGeo),

Among these activities, we highlight the live “Alternatives in Food Production in Brazil and African Countries”. With the contributions of teachers Mario Uacane, Gina Amélia, Arminda Uachisso and Eufrasio José who presented the experiences in Mozambique, following Prof. Leandro Nascimento presented the experience in Brazil (Projeto Calanguinho) and then Eng. Agro. Flávia Vitória with her experiences in Cape Verde and Brazil, the mediation of the dialogue was carried out by Prof. Dr. Vilomar Sandes Sampaio PPGEO-UESB. in this cycle of debates, the new challenges of family farming in Cape Verde were also presented on November 11, 2020 with the participation of Professor Dr.ª Maria de Lourdes Gonçalves from the University of Cape Verde- UNICV



Quick Contact

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia

Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia – Campus Vitória da Conquista
Estrada do Bem Querer Km, 04
Vitória da Conquista – BA
CEP: 45083 – 900
Tel: (77) 3424-8741

E-mail: ppgeo@uesb.edu.br

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