Index Herbariorum Registration Form

(type entries in white boxes. See :IH Questionnaire 2009 example.doc  for example of entries.  When complete, send as email attachment to

Part 1.  Institutional Details

Herbarium Code: HUESB-JQ
Postal Address:
If the herbarium does not have a formal name, enter ‘Herbarium”.    Enter postal code, city, state, country, in the sequence that is customary in your country.   Do not abbreviate any words. Herbarium Name:   HERBÁRIO DA UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DO SUDOESTE DA BAHIA – CAMPUS DE JEQUIÉ Postal address:   Av. José Moreira Sobrinho, s/n, Jequiezinho   Postcode, state, country CEP: 45206-190, Jequié  – Bahia – Brazil

Enter the name of the person(s) to whom parcels should be addressed.   Enter other details about correspondents under “Staff Details” Name   Area of Responsibility   GUADALUPE EDILMA LICONA DE MACEDO VASCULAR PLANTS
Alternative name for city:
Alternative name for country:
Herbarium website URL:
Phone number:
Primary phone number(s) for herbarium Country code number Extension +55 73 3528 9659   +55 73 3528 9600 9659
Fax number: + 55 73 35256683
Primary email address for herbarium: and
Cites permit number:
Total number of specimens: 11135
Number of type specimens:
Year of foundation (herbarium, not institution): 2002
Status (e.g., private institution, state university, government, etc) STATE UNIVERSITY
  Important Collectors
  If there are more important collectors than space in the table, add rows to the table, or append these at the end of the document. First Initial| Second Initial |Surname

  Include only those owned and published by your institution
Incorporated Herbaria:
    Description—  type of specimens incorporated, if known.   Number— number of specimens incorporated, if known.   Year–year incorporated, if known. Name   Description Number Year
Wanted: Plants and fungi of Bahia Available: Plants and fungi South and Southwest Bahia
Physical Address :
  For use by potential visitors  to your herbarium, and for mapping its location.  Street address AV. JOSÉ MOREIRA SOBRINHO, S/N, JEQUIEZINHO Postcode, city, state, country   CEP: 45206-190, JEQUIÉ  – BAHIA – BRAZIL
  For use by potential visitors  to your herbarium, and for mapping its location.  Street address AV. JOSÉ MOREIRA SOBRINHO, S/N, JEQUIEZINHO Postcode, city, state, country   CEP: 45206-190, JEQUIÉ  – BAHIA – BRAZIL
Associated Botanical Garden or Arboretum: Name:   Address:
    Include here any additional relevant nformation about your herbarium O Herbário da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (HUESB-JQ) é vinculado ao Departamento de Ciências Biológicas DCB/UESB no campus de Jequié.  Iniciou sua coleção em 2002  com o  registro de espécies vegetais da Região Sudoeste da Bahia oriundas da co-participação  nos projetos Flora da Bahia e Instituto do Milênio, coordenados pela Dra. Ana Maria Giulietti da  Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana em parceria com outras universidades do Norte e Nordeste do Brasil. A localização geográfica privilegiada do HUESB-JQ tem dado a coleção um carater regional priorizando caracterizar a flora local agregando á sua coleção especimes coletados nas Florestas Estacionais (mata de cipó), Floresta Ombrófila e Caatinga provenientes dos projetos Levantamento Florístico do Município de Jequié e Levantamento Florístico do Município de Maracás. Além de projetos locais O HUESB-JQ mediante a participação de seus pesquisadores participa desde 2009 do “Projeto Floresta Atlântica” liderada pela Dr. Maria Regina Barbosa de Vasconcellos da UFPB e Thomas Wayt financiado pela EUA National Science Foundation subvenção # DEB-0946618 e subvenções de Velux Stiftung ea Fundação beneficiá incluindo na coleção material coletado em diferentes fragmentos de Mata Atlântica do Nordeste. Este projeto também está incorporado no sistema de “Projetos de Pesquisa” como o projeto do CNPq “Diversidade florística, Conservação e Limites da Floresta Atlântica no Nordeste do Brasil”, sob a coordenação do Dr. Maria Regina Barbosa. O HUESB também é suporte de outros projetos de pesquisa desenvolvidos por professores e discentes dos  diversos cursos de Pós-Graduações da UESB (Genética, Biodiversidade e Conservação e Química). Essas coleções têm contribuído com a produção de um acervo botânico da zona de transição Mata Atlântica / Caatinga (Floresta Estacional) e incentivado a participação, desde sua  criação, dos estudantes do Curso de Ciências Biológicas, a maioria participando como  bolsistas IC/UESB, PIBIC/CNPQ, FAPESB, INCT/CNPQ, APNE/CNPQ e/ou voluntários envolvidos em projetos de pesquisa e extensão.

Part 2.    Staff Details

(10 copies of this page are included here – copy as many more as needed for your staff)

Name First:   GUADALUPE Middle:    EDILMA  LICONA Surname:   DE MACEDO
Birth year: 1957
Job Title: Curator of the Herbarium
Role in herbarium: Curadora
  Please indicate role with an “x” in the appropriate box.  Indicate as many categories as apply to the staff member Category   Yes No Highest Ranking Scientific Officer X   Correspondent X   Curator X   Paid staff member X   Volunteer     Emeritus
Phone number: +55 (73 ) 3525-6108 and  +55 (73)9151-6537
Email address:
Research specialty:
Discipline(e.g., taxonomy, molecular systematics, ecology, etc.)   Plant groups (please give names of families and genera, where applicable Discipline:   FLORISTIC, PHYTOSOCIOLOGY, MORFOTAXONOMIA PLANT (PHANEROGAMS) Plant groups:   VASCULAR/ GENERALIST Geographical area of specialty:   SEASONAL FOREST (ATLANTIC FOREST) Other: CAATINGA
Alternative Address  
Use if staff member works primarily at a different location   Institution:   Postal address:   Post code, city, state, country  

Part 2.    Staff Details

(10 copies of this page are included here – copy as many more as needed for your staff)

Name First:   ROSANA Middle:   SILVA Surname:   SOUZA
Birth year: 1987
Role in herbarium:
  Please indicate role with an “x” in the appropriate box.  Indicate as many categories as apply to the staff member Category   Yes No Highest Ranking Scientific Officer   X Correspondent   X Curator   X Paid staff member x   Volunteer   X Emeritus   X
Phone number: +55 (73) 9128 1809
Email address:
Research specialty:
Discipline(e.g., taxonomy, molecular systematics, ecology, etc.)   Plant groups (please give names of families and genera, where applicable Discipline:     Plant groups:   Angiosperms/ generalist Geographical area of specialty:   Seasonal Forest (Mata Atlantic) and Caatinga Other:
Alternative Address  
Use if staff member works primarily at a different location   Institution:   Postal address:   Post code, city, state, country  

Part 2.    Staff Details

(10 copies of this page are included here – copy as many more as needed for your staff)

Name First:   GERIVALDO Middle:   SOUZA Surname:   SILVA
Birth year: 28/12/1985
Job Title:
Role in herbarium: Auxiliar de campo
  Please indicate role with an “x” in the appropriate box.  Indicate as many categories as apply to the staff member Category   Yes No Highest Ranking Scientific Officer   X Correspondent   X Curator   X Paid staff member X   Volunteer   X Emeritus
Phone number: +55 (73) 88254366
Email address:
Research specialty:
Discipline(e.g., taxonomy, molecular systematics, ecology, etc.)   Plant groups (please give names of families and genera, where applicable Discipline:   ———– Plant groups:   ———– Geographical area of specialty:   ———- Other: FIELD HELP
Alternative Address  
Use if staff member works primarily at a different location   Institution:   Postal address:   Post code, city, state, country  

Part 2.    Staff Details

(10 copies of this page are included here – copy as many more as needed for your staff)

Name First:   ROGERSIA Middle:   MOREIRA Surname:   SANTOS
Birth year: 25/06/1983
Job Title: Biologa
Role in herbarium: Assitente de pesquisa
  Please indicate role with an “x” in the appropriate box.  Indicate as many categories as apply to the staff member Category   Yes No Highest Ranking Scientific Officer   X Correspondent   X Curator   X Paid staff member x   Volunteer   X Emeritus   X
Phone number: +55 (73) 8836-8771
Email address:
Research specialty: Angiospermas
Discipline(e.g., taxonomy, molecular systematics, ecology, etc.)   Plant groups (please give names of families and genera, where applicable Discipline:   Sistemática Plant groups:   Angiosperms/ generalist Geographical area of specialty:   Seasonal Forest (Mata Atlantic) and Caatinga) Other:
Alternative Address  
Use if staff member works primarily at a different location   Institution:   Postal address:   Post code, city, state, country  

Part 2.    Staff Details

(10 copies of this page are included here – copy as many more as needed for your staff)

Name First:   MILENE Middle:   MARIA Surname:   DA SILVA-CASTRO
Birth year:
Job Title:
Role in herbarium:
  Please indicate role with an “x” in the appropriate box.  Indicate as many categories as apply to the staff member Category   Yes No Highest Ranking Scientific Officer   X Correspondent   X Curator   X Paid staff member X   Volunteer   X Emeritus   x
Phone number: + 55 75 91922850
Email address:
Research specialty: Flowering Plant taxonomy (Bignoniaceae)
Discipline(e.g., taxonomy, molecular systematics, ecology, etc.)   Plant groups (please give names of families and genera, where applicable Discipline:     Plant groups:   angiosperms Geographical area of specialty:   Bignoniaceae, semiarid, Northeast Brazil Other: Seed germination of the savanna
Alternative Address  
Use if staff member works primarily at a different location   Institution:   Postal address:   Post code, city, state, country  

Part 2.    Staff Details

(10 copies of this page are included here – copy as many more as needed for your staff)

Name First:    
Birth year:
Job Title: Taxionomista Pesquisador
Role in herbarium: Colaborador
  Please indicate role with an “x” in the appropriate box.  Indicate as many categories as apply to the staff member Category   Yes No Highest Ranking Scientific Officer     Correspondent     Curator     Paid staff member     Volunteer     Emeritus
Phone number:
Email address:
Research specialty:
Discipline(e.g., taxonomy, molecular systematics, ecology, etc.)   Plant groups (please give names of families and genera, where applicable Discipline:     Plant groups:     Geographical area of specialty:     Other:
Alternative Address  
Use if staff member works primarily at a different location   Institution:   Postal address:   Post code, city, state, country  

Part 2.    Staff Details

(10 copies of this page are included here – copy as many more as needed for your staff)

Name First:   Milene
Middle:     Maria
Surname:   da Silva Castro
Birth year: 20/01/1973
Job Title: Dra. em Botânica
Role in herbarium: Taxonomista pesquisador
  Please indicate role with an “x” in the appropriate box.  Indicate as many categories as apply to the staff member Category   Yes No Highest Ranking Scientific Officer x   Correspondent     Curator     Paid staff member x   Volunteer     Emeritus
Phone number: + 55 75 91922850
Email address:
Research specialty: Taxonomia de Angiospermas (Bignoniaceae)
Discipline(e.g., taxonomy, molecular systematics, ecology, etc.)   Plant groups (please give names of families and genera, where applicable Discipline:   Anatomopathological Plant Physiology Plant groups:   Angiospermas Geographical area of specialty:   Bignoniaceae, Semiárido, Nordeste Brasileiro Other: Germinação de sementes da caatinga
Alternative Address  
Use if staff member works primarily at a different location   Institution:   Postal address:   Post code, city, state, country  

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