The Postgraduate Program in Forestry Sciences (PPGCIFLOR) at the Master’s level in-person teaching modality was approved by CAPES (Coordination Foundation for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel) in December 2013, with internal approval of Resolution CONSEPE (Higher Education, Research and Extension Council) No. 12/2014 (Annex A), which deals with the Program creation.
The first group of students began their activities in August 2014 at the State University of Southwest Bahia, Vitória da Conquista campus, with their research and training concentrated in a single concentration area: Forest Management and Production, being divided into two research lines: “Forest Management” and “Silviculture”.
PPGCIFLOR is the only Forestry Sciences program located in the state of Bahia among the 04 (four) in the Northeast region in Brazil. The Program has been boosting local and regional development as a way of forming human capital, reproducing knowledge in forestry sciences and contributing to improving the quality of life in the localities and surrounding areas where the program is located.
PPGCIFLOR is located in a regional context that is extremely favorable to developing activities involving research, teaching and extension. This is due to the significant presence of private companies in the forestry sector, which are involved in the research lines in which PPGCIFLOR operates.
PPGCIFLOR has been well structured over the past ten years both in terms of its concentration area and its research lines. It provides disciplines and a faculty of researchers in different activity areas, which has resulted in training more than 70 qualified graduates who are gaining ground in Forestry Sciences in Brazil and internationally.
The program has kept up with changes in the environmental, social and economic scenarios, and recognizes the demands of society. The knowledge advancement made possible by PPGCIFLOR graduates will contribute to serving small, medium and large forest producers, forestry companies, national and international markets for forestry products, public and private agencies linked to the conservation and preservation of forests and natural resources, as well as all the demands of a society which calls for sustainable development.
The UESB Postgraduate Program in Forestry Sciences received a score of 03 (three) in the 2017-2020 triennial evaluation. In view of this, the members of the Program have been working hard to strengthen the Program since 2021 and achieve a score of excellence in the next Capes evaluations. They have been holding regular meetings to fulfill the Strategic Planning missions, updating internal resolutions and standards, increasing partnerships, monitoring graduates, and advancing the internationalization policy.
PPGCIFLOR aims to promote scientific competence by training professionals, researchers, and teachers who are qualified to conduct research activities and advanced studies in the area of Forestry Sciences.
The primary motivation of the program is to seek alternatives to stimulate production in the Forestry Sector based on the principles of conservation and rational use of natural resources.
PPGCIFLOR has its mission to expand and consolidate knowledge in various regions of Bahia by training highly qualified personnel, as well as through publication of its technical-scientific works in national and international journals, which has taken knowledge of this important study area to various parts of Brazil and the world.
The training of Masters’ students in Forestry Sciences in Bahia, a state with a strong vocation for the preservation, conservation and production of forests, contributes to the national goals of education and development, in addition to being a key element for the sustainable development of the region. The course is set up in a medium-sized city, Vitória da Conquista, a reference in the Southwest region of Bahia, fulfilling the function of decentralizing and internalizing education.
Vitória da Conquista is located between two regions which are strongly characterized by planted forest production to serve the pulp and paper sector (Southern region of Bahia) and the steel sector – charcoal (Northern region of Minas Gerais), and is a very important region for having native forests in transition areas between the Atlantic Forest and Caatinga biomes, the only
exclusively Brazilian biome.
The program has kept up with changes in the environmental, social and economic scenarios, and recognizes the demands of society. Knowledge advancement enabled by PPGCIFLOR graduates will contribute to serving small, medium and large forestry producers, forestry companies, national and international forestry product markets, public and private organs linked to the conservation and preservation of forests and natural resources, as well as all the demands of a society that calls for sustainable development.
Phone Number:
(77) 3424-8781
Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Florestais
Módulo de Pós-graduação Stricto sensu
Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia
Estrada do Bem Querer – km 04
Bairro Universitário
CEP.: 45031-900 - Vitória da Conquista, Bahia